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台灣樂透彩 icon


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Taiwan lottery app with real-time jackpot updates and prize tools

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台灣樂透彩 is a comprehensive application designed to assist users with all of their lottery information needs in Taiwan. It serves to provide real-time details on lotto jackpots, offer various prize-matching tools, and present statistics for popular lottery numbers, making it ideal for lottery enthusiasts.

When you require the latest information on Taiwan's lottery games such as "Big Lotto" and "Power Lottery," Taiwan Lottery app serves as a reliable resource. Instantly check the current total accumulated jackpots for these games. It simplifies the process of prize checking and matching, eliminating the need to compare tickets with drawn numbers manually.

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The valuable features include the automatic update of data, ensuring the most up-to-date lottery results. A range of prize-matching tools for lottery games like Jincai 539, Double Win Lottery, and various Mark Lotteries is integrated into this platform. Users can effortlessly compare their tickets with the winning numbers from the past 30 draws for each game.

The software also offers an offline prize-matching capability, allowing users to ascertain if their ticket is a winner, even without an internet connection. The game provides statistics on popular and hot numbers for the lotteries to aid users in making informed decisions on future bets.

Additional functionalities include identifying today’s lotto draw numbers, discovering nearby betting stations, verifying lucky numbers for zodiac signs, and even making inquiries about specific Lunar New Year promotions.

A noteworthy advantage of using the platform is the convenience it offers to users who desire an easy and efficient way to stay up to date with their lottery interests. While not officially affiliated with the Taiwan Lottery Corporation or the Ministry of Finance, 台灣樂透彩 proudly serves as a powerful supplementary tool for lottery fans, ensuring they remain well-informed. In the event of any discrepancies, the numbers and amounts announced by official sources will prevail.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by DogLeg.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about 台灣樂透彩 3.6

Package Name com.DogHead.Lotto
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
47 more
Author DogLeg
Downloads 0
Date Jan 28, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)

Older versions

apk 3.51 Android + 4.4 Jan 11, 2024
apk 3.5 Android + 4.4 Feb 16, 2024
apk 3.4 Android + 4.4 Nov 14, 2023
apk 3.2 Android + 4.4 Nov 14, 2023
apk 3.14 Android + 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 Nov 14, 2023
apk 3.13 Android + 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 Nov 14, 2023

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